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Hi, I’m Matt

Hey, I'm Afshin a designer with over ten years of experience creating digital products

Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to lead a wide range of new initiatives for startups and established companies, including Healthy Together, Twenty, Shazam, MyFitnessPal, CardSpring, and Twitter.



I’m Afshin - a freelance product designer based in Bay Area. For the past ten years, I have worked with early-stage startups and established businesses to help them achieve their goals through design. Creativity is the key to solving problems, so I approach each new project with a fresh perspective. I like to explore new things and spend time with my family and friends in my free time.

I was most recently working at Healthy Together. A health startup focused on improving collective health and making government and enterprises more efficient. Before that, I worked for Twenty, the fastest-growing social networking app. I led the product design for a new intuitive product called hangouts. I worked across multiple product squads solving a variety of problems.

Before Twenty - I was at MyFitnessPal, one of the leading healthy tracking products with one of the largest user bases, including metrics to track exercise and calories. I was hired to help with diverse core product experience and improve inconstancies and processes.

Over the years, I’ve worked across health, tech, Networking, and Entertainment. From early-stage startups like FriendHire, and Synch Health, to hypergrowth businesses like Twenty. I’ve also worked with fantastic brands like CardSpring, Shazam, and Twitter.



Get in touch

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Want to create something exceptional? Drop me an email.